lme la i ta post story at blog niy kan..huhuu
i tataw npe smnjak due mnjak niy ase serabot sgat2...da something y wat otak i jd cum aihhh..tataw larhhh...ase na jerit ase..waaaaaaa.....i ase na tumbok owg y wat i srabot tu....eiii...geram arghhhh....mmg ase bngang gler...i tana pikir tp wlau cne pown ttap kne pikir..adoyai...tlg la....tataw na wat cne da....hurmmmm..n tataw da na share ngan sme....urmmmm......
Friday, October 28, 2011
Sunday, October 2, 2011
my lovely pink..
jeng jeng jeng!!! tu diaaaa...my cute pink lovely headphone..hahaha hasil g pc fair ritu..stu ag brang ak y cute hahaha dlam kotak ag tu..huhuhu
Saturday, October 1, 2011
assalammualaikum......pnjang slam y diberi..hahaha owkey...skunk niy kpenatan msih ag terasa...smalam pjalanan dr dungun-k.terengganu-kuantan huh jaoh kot...sumenye ta dirncang...gila ap!!!hahaha my parents pown tataw y i bjalan sejaoh itu..hiiii sowi mama n abah..huuuuu spnjang hari kami bjlan kejap2 jln jem,kitorg tataw jlan....haish..mcm2 cobaan..ad owg kuantan pown taley pakai...ap pown ta bley...(i la org tu...hahaha) niy kire the last trip ar niy sblorm final ...huhu da msok blan 10 da kot..ish,ta caye ase..kejap gler mse blalu pas niy final exam hope tada la paperb y i kne repeat..eiiiiii..tamaw tamaw...waaaaaaaaa n taon dpan msok sem 2 da broo!!! hahaha ceh bwu sem 2 da na kecoh pe daaaa...ap pown ta bley...hurmm....gniy la budak bru na naek kihkihkih sdar ta sdar da na ujung taon daaa...sumpah arr ase cpat gler ler..huuuu mase skunk mmg cpat..patot la wujud pepatah mse itu emas..huhuu haih..i da start merapu daaa....so sblorm i merapu lbey byak baek la i undur diri dlu ae maw sambong wat assignment..huhuhu tata titi tutu!!!
Monday, September 26, 2011
suke aty i la,...i pye blog..hahaha
hollla......huhuhu mlam2 niy na wat ap tataw so post la at blog per y ptot..hahaha riniy da ary ke brp yer konvo at kampus i,..hurmm...ta kire la plak..tp seyez syok ar tgok abg2 n akak2 niy diorg bgambar ...dgan jubah konvo tu..da la wne pink mmg favourite colour towl...hahaha like like like!!!ta sbar tggu turn i lak huhu sbar2 3 taun ag....i hrap sume kawn2 sperjuangan i at cniy sume ley grad sme2 law boley tana ad y tcicir pown..korg ley janji ngan i annnnnn...huhuh(ckp mcm diorg2 sume tu tgok per y i tulis..hahaha) mse tu i..dgan bangga nyer mnerima sijil walaupun cume skadar diploma..(at least ad kayhhhhhh) pastu at bwah tuh ad bkak byak gak ar grai2 jual2 mknan,bunga n hadiah tuk diorg2 y konvo niy..mlam td lak bru td la..... ad psembahan kbudayaan y dbwa khas dr indonesia.....tp asal la dye bwak dak universitas a.k.a universiti law at malaysia hahaha...bwak la band ungu ker,zifhilia ker,forteen..haaaaaa..ta pownn irwansyah..hahaha berangan an ..duk ceruk ase cum duk kl perghh..ap celop derrr..wakaka...alamak t'lebey ngarot la plak i niy..aduhai..kay maw mngemas kini per y ptot..huhuhu daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mmuahhhh!!!
Friday, September 23, 2011
on my birthday
assalammualaikum...law ta jwab dose klau jwab sayang..huhuhu riniy genap umur i 18 taon..huhuhu 24.9. pd sape2 y smbot ary jd y sme ngan i ta kire la brp pown umur korg..happy bzday kayhh...hurmm..nothing special on my bzday..no present ,no birthday party...juz cum ary2 bese jer..huhuh btw i ta ksah pown sume tu..i just na kawan2 n org2 y i syg egat bzday i tu jer..huuhu da 18 taon da usia i...mkin dewse,mkin besa..dan makin i harus bsikap matang..i bsyukur sgat pada ALLAH S.W.T sbb bg i pluang hidop n pnjang umor i smpy ker hary niy..alhamdulillah...smkin pnjang usia spatotnyer makin byak amal ibadah y ptot i wat ..tp i ta pna ase ckup sume tur..so sad...bsempena ary jd i niy...i berazam utk jd lbey baek then i na bjaye mngenggam sgulung diploma for my parents..i akan bwak my parents msok dewan convo nnty..huhuhu aminnn.... smpy siniy dlu..hope jupe lg..daaaaaa..huhuhu
Monday, September 19, 2011
ragam manusia
sekian lame ta mnjengah..hary niy..aty tetiber na post gak ...huhuhuh selme i duduk at psmza niy..mcm2 ragam n karenah manusia y i jupe,..dr y snggup wt ap sje dmi kwan smpy la y jnis mudah lpe kwan..hurmmm...plu ker ad norma cumtu dlam idop niy..ta kan...disini i ingin mluahkan rse ktidakpuasan hty i pd sorg hamba Allah niy...plu ker jd manusia y mcm tu..eiii...dunia mmg mcm niy..knp plu libat kan msalah pribadi dgan hal formal...law u ase u ad msalah ngan kitorg go on...na bnci kitorg pown we dont care..tp please jgn libat kan hal2 formal ngan pribadi u too..brat sgat ker mulut tu na bg taw..bkannyer kne byar pown...n lg stu y bmasalah tu..kwan u..bkannyer u...ta plu la u na bela kwan u too dgan tnjok protes kat kitorg..ckit pown ta heran kayh...i cme na u bsikap mtang jer ...da bsar patot nyer da boley ta payah ajar da kan,..so pndy2 laaa...hurmmm...manusia mmg aneh...u pikir la sndiri!!! assalammualaikum...
Thursday, September 1, 2011
halllooooo...finally..akhirnyer stelah skian lme blog niy taley di update akhirnya i ley gak write someting...hihii first...riniy pown bwu rye ke 3 annn..ekh slah2 jam da kul 12 lbey so..rye ke 4 arr...msih blorm tlambat na ucapkan selamat ary rye aidilfitri..maaf zahir dan batin..hihii i bru blek dr kg abah at slangor ptg td...kejap jer ase cuti..ta smpat na bjlan uma sedare at sne..koz ary sabtu i da kne alek dungun da...hurmm...ta syok ar rye taon niy..ase cum ta idop ..hahaha ap larh mlang ncib..da lar cuti at sne ta sm ngan at ciniy..ta ley spend time ngan family n member lme ckittt....potong towl.......!!tp taper la ..i redha....haaaa..mke i dok at uma..oke daaa...tataw la alek sne jd cum monster alekk....hisyhhhhhh!!!owkey thats all 4 today...hope jupe lg next time...daaaaaa
Sunday, August 14, 2011
shawllll ohhhh shawwlll!!
yuhuuuuu...ollaaaaa..hahaha pose da na tggal ag bpe ary..dlam due mnggu lbey owt...huhuh lg stu khamis i da ley alek kuantan da..yuhiiii....ske gle...pastu na raye..tp agak sdey sbb ase skejap je pose taun niy..hurmm..now want a story about today...tadi klass i abois kul 10..awal..haha then i ajk classmate i kuar g town...tp org cniy pggil PEKAN....yup..then dsebbkan pekan tu kecik jer..ktorg tawaf sume tmpat..hihi ktorg sggah expo niy....pergh.......da stu kdai niy..jual mejoriti shawll n pashnim....waaaaa...gler da la sume cntik2...tp syg seribu kali syg...i ta dpt na bli...sbb..kwangan ta mncukupi..urmmm..frust aw..da la nga murah.....uuuuuu....taper2..i na tggu duit ptptn..ley la amek ckit hahaha...haih..shawlll ohhh shawll......huuuuuu......
Monday, August 8, 2011
yuhuuuu.....riniy ta busy so ley la na update ane y ptot..hahaha hurm...riniy klas abis kul 10..pastu alek blik pe ag i jd sleeping beauty..hihihi best seh...tidi smpy kul 12..pastu bagon g klas smula..y taley time klass soft skil riniy..ta pepasal i kne jd brung antoo..haha tp brung anto .y cute kayh..alamak!!terprasan la plak hiii..bruk ar bnyi brung antoo..tp na wat cne i ase brung tu la y ad bnyi plg unik..hihihi tp syg ta ley jd y terbaek gak utk riniy...da wt bnyi..mmg la smple...wat la tugasan kumpulan dimne ktorg kne hasilkan band sndiri n nyanyi..ta pown nyanyi pown da ckup hahaha..bwu la best..kasi gegar..hahaha..i like singing !!hahaha owkey thats all for today...see next time..daaaaaa
Saturday, August 6, 2011
dugaan .......
yuhuuuu.....hurm...na citer niy..law tada org dgar pown taper..i ckp sesorg..hahaha skunk niy i nga mnderita....i tataw mne slap i...da sminggu..mke i ditumbuhi ngan ruam n merah2..sadis towl....da la gatal sometime pedih....aduhhhh...skunk niy i kne biar kan mke i natural jer..without make up..huuuuiiiii.....taley tauchup lbey2 ti lbey worst...da mcm2 da i try ltak bdk sejuk la....tp still ta jd..i egat na g klinik tadi..but..kewangan ta stabil la plak...kunk ta pepasal jer kne cas lbey..arrr..dont want!!! hurm..so pd sespe y ad tjengok at blog i y ta brp na xtive..tlg2 la saran kan pape petua kayh..y baek2 jer la...i da ta sggup ag da.......thats all 4 today..daaaaaa......
Saturday, July 23, 2011
tataw laaaa...
halloo..lme ta mnulis..hurmmmmm....khidupan i at poly niy sgat2 la mmbosan kannn...i ase i na blek..tp law blek pown kwn2 i sume tada at sne....at siniy i ta jupe kwn sbaek diowg...i na kmbali zman sekolah blek...skunk niy i tataw na luah kan at spe law i ad msalah ....kdang i nangis sorg2..windu at family,kwn2....y slalu ad utk hiburkan haty i...i windu sgat at sume2..urmmmm....at sniy i ase cum..nta la..da la mke i tetibe je kluar ruam y ta spatut nyer..owg kte aer kt cniy ta bersih....hurm..3 taon i akn ad kat cniy...3 taon la i kne btahan....doakan i dpt bthan yer...
Sunday, July 10, 2011
new chapter begin
halloooooo...lme ta jenguk blog niy..hahaha busy kotttt....now i have a new life...jaoh dr uma i....i skunk da start smbung blaja..duk at asrama...hurmmmm...now..i have to be independent....without my parents...huuuuu..i'm always miss my home,my family and also my friends...tp skunk mse da tibe utk seperate dr sume y i syg...cume utk smntara n mngejar cite2......hopefully can be a strong girl n can graduate my diploma...luv u all and see u againnnnn!!!daaa....
Sunday, June 5, 2011
most like song!!!!
Unic-insan bernama kekasih
Debar hatiku membisik rindu
Ingin aku jadikan kau gadis idaman
Adakah mungkin kau kumiliki
Untuk aku katakan insan bernama kekasih
Keayuan yang tergambar lukisan nur iman
Bertemankan keindahan santun perkataan
Bagai putih salju mendinginkan hangat perasaan
Terukir segala resah di jiwa
Ku ucapkan salam ucapan mesra
dan merisik khabar berita
Masihkah ada peluang
Untukku melafaz kesyukuran
Umpama rembulan jatuh ke riba
Mendengar khabaran dariNya
Padaku kau memendam rasa
PadaMu oh tuhan
Ku memohon keredhaan
Nur Kasih yang ku damba
Kekal hingga ke syurga
Hanya satu yang ku pinta kebaikan dariNya
Moga dipeliharakan tulus cinta kita
Agar kukuh ikatan yang murni bahgia selamanya
Dengan lafaz pernikahan yang mulia
Datanglah kasihku dalam dirimu
Menghiasi ruang hatimu
Akan ku sambutnya dengan
Sujud penuh kesyukuran
Ku harap jalinan kan berpanjangan
Selagi kasih yang terbina
Kerana cinta kepadaNya
Kau kusayangi teman sejati
Dikaulah sesungguhnya
Insan bernama Kekasih
Ingin aku jadikan kau gadis idaman
Adakah mungkin kau kumiliki
Untuk aku katakan insan bernama kekasih
Keayuan yang tergambar lukisan nur iman
Bertemankan keindahan santun perkataan
Bagai putih salju mendinginkan hangat perasaan
Terukir segala resah di jiwa
Ku ucapkan salam ucapan mesra
dan merisik khabar berita
Masihkah ada peluang
Untukku melafaz kesyukuran
Umpama rembulan jatuh ke riba
Mendengar khabaran dariNya
Padaku kau memendam rasa
PadaMu oh tuhan
Ku memohon keredhaan
Nur Kasih yang ku damba
Kekal hingga ke syurga
Hanya satu yang ku pinta kebaikan dariNya
Moga dipeliharakan tulus cinta kita
Agar kukuh ikatan yang murni bahgia selamanya
Dengan lafaz pernikahan yang mulia
Datanglah kasihku dalam dirimu
Menghiasi ruang hatimu
Akan ku sambutnya dengan
Sujud penuh kesyukuran
Ku harap jalinan kan berpanjangan
Selagi kasih yang terbina
Kerana cinta kepadaNya
Kau kusayangi teman sejati
Dikaulah sesungguhnya
Insan bernama Kekasih
Friday, June 3, 2011
just want to share.....
seronok nyer hidup klu seindah madah diatas...
tp susah na cry y btowl2 boleh jd pmbimbing diri ini...
sumenyer mmerlukan detik perkenalan yang agak
lme terlebih dahuluuuu......
tp susah na cry y btowl2 boleh jd pmbimbing diri ini...
sumenyer mmerlukan detik perkenalan yang agak
lme terlebih dahuluuuu......
Saturday, May 21, 2011
my happy life todayyyy...
assalammualaikum sume...hehehe lme ta update blogggg...i buzyyy...and ditmbah pule dgn malasss...huhuhuhu skunk niy..byak pkare y blaku dlam idop i...byak kjutannn..hehehe..tp biar la rahsia kayhhhh....blan niyyy..i dpat abg baru....but bkan kkasih o couple yerrr...i bru bli camera nikon...dyer buah hati k2 i lpas hubby c3 i.....happy sesgat......<3 <3 <3
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
impian jadi nyata........
aloha....huhuhuhu bestnyer off day riniy,...tp y ta best nyer..tadi egat hang out ngan member..tp ujan lak...huuuuuuu =( da cancel...hurm...but i happy ngat now
...ia sume bmula di ary ahad y indah...hahaha ap y i idam2 kan selama ini jd
knyataan...i da dpt c3 idaman i...pink lg..huhuu skunk niy c3 la 'hubby' i huhuh
happy ngat ta tkate i mse tu...'hubby' i tu i bli ngan duit gaji i taw..ssah payah i
keje wat ot...huhuhuhu...so my cute 'hubby' tu mmg i akan jge ar..huhuhu
...ia sume bmula di ary ahad y indah...hahaha ap y i idam2 kan selama ini jd
knyataan...i da dpt c3 idaman i...pink lg..huhuu skunk niy c3 la 'hubby' i huhuh
happy ngat ta tkate i mse tu...'hubby' i tu i bli ngan duit gaji i taw..ssah payah i
keje wat ot...huhuhuhu...so my cute 'hubby' tu mmg i akan jge ar..huhuhu
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
say halooo world......huh!!! bosan la skunk hu............................tataw na wat per bkak fb tada gne asyik tnung jer menda tu..burrrrrrr.....hurm...
riniy i offday...haaaa...ta lme ag gaji masok,ta sbar ar na bli c3 uhukhukhuk
bape kali i na cter sal hal y smer ae....stupid!!!!! hurm..na wat cner tada story
mnarik lar dlam life i skunk..huuuuuuuuuu =( anybody want to share same felling wif me....hurm.....no one....they all have happy life...hurm...me too...
i have my own happy life...hahahaaa family,friends,kerje...and i happy wif my self.......huhuhuu hurm nothing to say skunk niy...kay lar...daa.....want update my blog.....and clean up my 'musyuk' bedroom...huhuh
riniy i offday...haaaa...ta lme ag gaji masok,ta sbar ar na bli c3 uhukhukhuk
bape kali i na cter sal hal y smer ae....stupid!!!!! hurm..na wat cner tada story
mnarik lar dlam life i skunk..huuuuuuuuuu =( anybody want to share same felling wif me....hurm.....no one....they all have happy life...hurm...me too...
i have my own happy life...hahahaaa family,friends,kerje...and i happy wif my self.......huhuhuu hurm nothing to say skunk niy...kay lar...daa.....want update my blog.....and clean up my 'musyuk' bedroom...huhuh
Monday, February 28, 2011
what a bored world i fell now..urgh...fell very suck right now....sejak 2 ary lpas i ase cum niy...reason dyer..biar i sorg jer la y taw...urghhhh...knp
sume niy hanya i jer y ase..i na org len pown ase aper y i ase smnjak duemenjak niy...ase not fair ar idup niy...argh..........i na org len pown ase per y i ase..jgn pndai ckp jer.....bior dowg ase.....hiy...law bley i na
luah kan sume niy,...i na ckp y i pown ad aty and perasaan....i na jrit y i na
niy bkan nyer batu o tunggul y tada pape prasaan...jgn la tgk dr segi luaran..tp tgk la dri segi hati y ikhlas..,...argh....VERY SUCK.......I DA BOSANNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.....!
sume niy hanya i jer y ase..i na org len pown ase aper y i ase smnjak duemenjak niy...ase not fair ar idup niy...argh..........i na org len pown ase per y i ase..jgn pndai ckp jer.....bior dowg ase.....hiy...law bley i na
luah kan sume niy,...i na ckp y i pown ad aty and perasaan....i na jrit y i na
niy bkan nyer batu o tunggul y tada pape prasaan...jgn la tgk dr segi luaran..tp tgk la dri segi hati y ikhlas..,...argh....VERY SUCK.......I DA BOSANNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.....!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
best song!!
I know I can't take one more step towards you
Cause all that's waiting is regret
And don't you know I'm not your ghost anymore
You lost the love I loved the most
I learned to live half alive
And now you want me one more time
And who do you think you are
Running 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart
You're gonna catch a cold
From the eyes inside your soul
So don't come back for me
Who do you think you are
I hear you're asking all around
If I am anywhere to be found
But I have grown too strong
To ever fall back in your arms
And learn to live half alive
And now you want me one more time
And who do you think you are
Running 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart
You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
So don't come back for me
Who do you think you are
Dear, it took so long just to feel alright
Remember how to put back the light in my eyes
I wish I had missed the first time that we kissed
Cause you broke all your promises
And now you're back
You don't get to get me back
And who do you think you are
Running 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart
You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
So don't come back for me
Don't come back at all
And who do you think you are
Running 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart
You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
Don't come back for me
Don't come back at all
Who do you think you are?
Who do you think you are?
Who do you think you are?
Cause all that's waiting is regret
And don't you know I'm not your ghost anymore
You lost the love I loved the most
I learned to live half alive
And now you want me one more time
And who do you think you are
Running 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart
You're gonna catch a cold
From the eyes inside your soul
So don't come back for me
Who do you think you are
I hear you're asking all around
If I am anywhere to be found
But I have grown too strong
To ever fall back in your arms
And learn to live half alive
And now you want me one more time
And who do you think you are
Running 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart
You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
So don't come back for me
Who do you think you are
Dear, it took so long just to feel alright
Remember how to put back the light in my eyes
I wish I had missed the first time that we kissed
Cause you broke all your promises
And now you're back
You don't get to get me back
And who do you think you are
Running 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart
You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
So don't come back for me
Don't come back at all
And who do you think you are
Running 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart
You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
Don't come back for me
Don't come back at all
Who do you think you are?
Who do you think you are?
Who do you think you are?
my story ler....
wahahaha...lme ta jguk blog niy...bru tadi update sume..huhuhu riniy i offday...so...ta g
ane2 juz lepak at uma ngan my bff and online together ahaha..pastu ptg g pasar mlm...
ta cri pape pown..sjer jejaln..pastu ktorg g round sume tmpt..huhuhu hurm..now i want to
talk bout tmpat y i kejer skunk..sedar ta sedar da dkat sbulan lbey i kejer at citu...
best ngat...i ta sngka y i akn dpat mesra ngan org len huhuhu mmg best dark2 and senior at
citu happening ngat..ase syg na tggal pas ney...huhuhu hari2 asyik ktawe jer...smpy
senak prot niy....pas niy i akan dpat gaji k2...impian na dpat c3..da hampir2 jd
knyataan hahaha...duit hasil titik pluh sndiri lak tu.....law da dpat mmg i akan jge lelok
r...yela hasil keje kras kter uh..lain ase nyer an....i and bff da g usha da....mmg bpatotan harga dyer..
wat i ta sabar niy,....huhuh my sis pown mntak dblikan fone gak....aduh...egat an fone i tu na
pas at dyer jer...tp dyer na fone bru lak...dyer egt i kejer bank agak nyer .....tgok la cne na pkir lu...
aish...y tetibe msok sal sis i niy pahal lak...hahaha ape2 je lar..sok i msok full...ta sbar na g kejer
sok hahaha ad makne niy..,huhuhu
orait smpy cniy dlu lar yer...ti story and mory lg...huhuhu
ane2 juz lepak at uma ngan my bff and online together ahaha..pastu ptg g pasar mlm...
ta cri pape pown..sjer jejaln..pastu ktorg g round sume tmpt..huhuhu hurm..now i want to
talk bout tmpat y i kejer skunk..sedar ta sedar da dkat sbulan lbey i kejer at citu...
best ngat...i ta sngka y i akn dpat mesra ngan org len huhuhu mmg best dark2 and senior at
citu happening ngat..ase syg na tggal pas ney...huhuhu hari2 asyik ktawe jer...smpy
senak prot niy....pas niy i akan dpat gaji k2...impian na dpat c3..da hampir2 jd
knyataan hahaha...duit hasil titik pluh sndiri lak tu.....law da dpat mmg i akan jge lelok
r...yela hasil keje kras kter uh..lain ase nyer an....i and bff da g usha da....mmg bpatotan harga dyer..
wat i ta sabar niy,....huhuh my sis pown mntak dblikan fone gak....aduh...egat an fone i tu na
pas at dyer jer...tp dyer na fone bru lak...dyer egt i kejer bank agak nyer .....tgok la cne na pkir lu...
aish...y tetibe msok sal sis i niy pahal lak...hahaha ape2 je lar..sok i msok full...ta sbar na g kejer
sok hahaha ad makne niy..,huhuhu
orait smpy cniy dlu lar yer...ti story and mory lg...huhuhu
Friday, January 14, 2011
Ana Raffali - Tolong Ingatkan Aku
Jangan disusun kata-kata penamat
Jangan disebut baris ayat keramat
Biar lenyap diserap sunyi
Biar senyap yang tak menyepi
Biar lenyap diserap sunyi
Biar senyap yang tak menyepi
Tolong ingatkan aku
Kisah kau tersedar
Dengan saku penyeluk masa
Kisah kau tersedar
Dengan saku penyeluk masa
Mari patahkan papan markah lama
Mari padamkan buku tiga lima
Biar luka sembuh sendiri
Biar lupa dimakan hari
Mari padamkan buku tiga lima
Biar luka sembuh sendiri
Biar lupa dimakan hari
Tolong ingatkan aku
Kisah kau tersedar
Dengan saku penyeluk masa
Kau dampingi aku
Setiap detik jantungku berdetak
Setiap nota jiwaku berlagu-lagu
Kisah kau tersedar
Dengan saku penyeluk masa
Kau dampingi aku
Setiap detik jantungku berdetak
Setiap nota jiwaku berlagu-lagu
Bila marah merasuk minda
Kecewa menyelubungi jiwa
Aku lupa
Kecewa menyelubungi jiwa
Aku lupa
Tolong ingatkan aku
Kisah ku tersedar
Dengan kasih memeluk rasa
Ku teringatkanmu
Setiap detik jantungku berdetak
Setiap nota jiwaku berlagu-lagu
Kisah ku tersedar
Dengan kasih memeluk rasa
Ku teringatkanmu
Setiap detik jantungku berdetak
Setiap nota jiwaku berlagu-lagu
Tolong ingatkan aku kisah kita
Tolong ingatkan aku
Kisah ku tersedar
Dengan kasih memeluk rasa
Tolong ingatkan aku
Kisah ku tersedar
Dengan kasih memeluk rasa
Tolong ingatkan aku
Kisah kita...
Kisah kita...
talk..talk...and talk............
haiya....dea lme ta jenguk blog i niy..per kabo sume...hahaha...da lme lar ta on....buzy..i da start kejer...huhu sambilan jer kayh....best..tp pnat..mcm2 org y i jper..y tlalu btowl ad..y sgat ta btowl pown ad...sper lg law bkan custumer..mcm2 ragam...ops..lpe na btaw..i cashier kay..nanti nmpak i 2lis 'custumer' ad y egat i kejer gro nanti..huhuhu...ad rmy kwan bru y i jpe..akak pown rmy jugak...abg jer tada..bler i na ad abg ae...huhu taya ad abg pown taper..urm..na ckp per lg ae...hish..tp kan jd cashier niy byk dugaan gak...sometime custumer na mara cashier jer..padahal dyer y ta btowl senget..huh...sok hari tanpa plastik...msti gado ngan custumer..arghhhhhhhh!!!!!!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Thursday, January 6, 2011
haih.......pnat gler riniy..sakit blakang niy...first time kejer....
fuhh...riniy custumer ckit pown da glabah...blom ag sok....sok....fuhhh..djngka akan rmy....
adoi mak ai...taper2...usaha gigih...jgn cpat give up.....da ar td da owg ckp i smbong....
ta bsalah nyer manusia e2...hish...
fuhh...riniy custumer ckit pown da glabah...blom ag sok....sok....fuhhh..djngka akan rmy....
adoi mak ai...taper2...usaha gigih...jgn cpat give up.....da ar td da owg ckp i smbong....
ta bsalah nyer manusia e2...hish...
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
the next chapter begin...
salam sumer.......da bper ary ae..ta tgk blog..huhu bkan per bzy...byak gler urusan y na dselesaikan....
huhuhu now i da dpat kejer..huhuhu akhirnyer...lpas niy dpat pgang duit sndiri..pnat???i dont mind...hahah y pnting da keje na wat..dr duk mlongo cum owg tada arah tujuan jer..ananana...
hurm..pas niy mmg akan towl2 buzy lorh..huhu ta sngka..i da kejer...wlaupown cume smbilan,,,,
y pnting halal kan........
huhuhu now i da dpat kejer..huhuhu akhirnyer...lpas niy dpat pgang duit sndiri..pnat???i dont mind...hahah y pnting da keje na wat..dr duk mlongo cum owg tada arah tujuan jer..ananana...
hurm..pas niy mmg akan towl2 buzy lorh..huhu ta sngka..i da kejer...wlaupown cume smbilan,,,,
y pnting halal kan........
Sunday, January 2, 2011
speak now!!
I am not the kind of girl Who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion But you are not the kind of boy Who should be marrying the wrong girl I sneak in and see your friends, and her snotty little family All dressed in pastel And she is yelling at a bridesmaid, somewhere back inside a room Wearing a gown shaped like a pastry This is surely not what you thought it would be I lose myself in a daydream where I stand and say Don’t say yes, run away now I’ll meet you when you’re out of the church at the backdoor Don’t wait or say a single vow You need to hear me out and they said speak now Fond gestures are exchanged And the organ starts to play a song that sounds like a death march And I am hiding in the curtains It seems that I was uninvited by your lovely bride-to-be She floats down the aisle like a pageant queen But I know you wish it was me, you wish it was me Don’t you? Don’t say yes, run away now I’ll meet you when you’re out of the church at the backdoor Don’t wait or say a single vow You need to hear me out and they said speak now So don’t say yes, run away now I’ll meet you when you’re out of the church at the backdoor Don’t wait or say a single vow Your time is running out and they said speak now I hear the preacher say speak now or forever hold your peace There’s the silence, there’s my last chance I stand up with shaking hands, all eyes on me Horrified looks from everyone in the room But I’m only looking at you I am not the kind of girl Who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion But you are not the kind of boy Who should be marrying the wrong girl Don’t say yes, run away now I’ll meet you when you’re out of the church at the backdoor Don’t wait or say a single vow You need to hear me out and they said speak now And you say lets run away now I’ll meet when I’m out of my tux at the backdoor Baby I didn’t say my vows, so glad you were around When they said ‘Speak now’ |
sdey dan gembira......................
hey .....riniy prasaan i 50-50....i'm very2 happy today coz da setle lesen i...lega ase...sok start cri kijer...
huhuh tp i sdey...my friends sok na g plkn...=( sdey ngat kne bpisah ngan dyer...seyez na nangis...sper na kongsi ksdihan ngan i....da nanges da pown...i na anta dyer sok...tp dyer ta bg,..tper iundrstand..
i respect kmahuan u...hope dyer ley jge dri lelok at sne...hu.......................=( to my friends tu...u jge dri u lelok yer...jge mkn gak....hope dpt tamatkn ltihan dgan selamat.........ti kter jpe ag....syg kamooooo............................urm....mmmuahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
huhuh tp i sdey...my friends sok na g plkn...=( sdey ngat kne bpisah ngan dyer...seyez na nangis...sper na kongsi ksdihan ngan i....da nanges da pown...i na anta dyer sok...tp dyer ta bg,..tper iundrstand..
i respect kmahuan u...hope dyer ley jge dri lelok at sne...hu.......................=( to my friends tu...u jge dri u lelok yer...jge mkn gak....hope dpt tamatkn ltihan dgan selamat.........ti kter jpe ag....syg kamooooo............................urm....mmmuahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Saturday, January 1, 2011
happy lak..hahha...skunk da 1 january 2011...taun bru...azam bru...sok i na wat amali...huhuu
mntak2 lar lpas..amin.....
happy lak..hahha...skunk da 1 january 2011...taun bru...azam bru...sok i na wat amali...huhuu
mntak2 lar lpas..amin.....
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